Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Smoking, One Cigarette Won’t Kill. Yes, But..

I’m not a smoker, but I have experience of living with them. They are my father and my husband, and lots of relatives and friends. 

And I also have been an observer, seeing them trying to stop smoking. And it is really not an easy task. It’s hard, not just because it is a matter of habit or mental need. But smoking has physical effect, which makes stopping smoking a multi-factor effort.

But, it is possible. And you have to do it all at once. Stop at all. Gradually decreasing number of cigarette per day won’t do.

After you succeed to stop smoking, the battle hasn’t stop there. The tempting to start smoking again will be haunting you, over and over. And for this you need a rock-hard strong will to really not begin smoking again.

There are many things which bring back “beautiful memories” of smoking. Your smoking friends, your “smoking schedule” after meal, on break times, on the warm sunny day, on the chilly night, on a difficult works from the office, and so on and so on.

And sometimes you will say, I’ll smoke just this one cigarette. It’s just for old time sake. One cigarette won’t kill. Yes, it is probably true. But, and it’s a big but, a really, really big but here. But, that one cigarette will lead to other one, and other one, and other one. And before you realize it, you will be a smoker again.

So, the key is, never start smoking again. Not a single cigarette. Not even a single sip. Stop it. Just stop.

Find new friend, find new habit for your spare times, set in your mind how dangerous smoking is for you. Try everything to avoid start smoking. Your life is just too precious.

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