Thursday, May 19, 2011

Life is like..

Sudah pernah nonton Forrest Gump?

Forrest Gump bilang, "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get."

Kalau buat saya, ada dua perumpamaan tentang hidup :

Pertama :

"Life is like a puzzle, you have pieces of events and chances, and you have to arrange them to create your masterpiece. The difference with ordinary puzzle is, the results can be vary, it depends on your choices and decisions"

Kedua :

"Life is like a math equation, the left side is what you give, and the right side is what you will get. The better you do on the left side, the better you get on the right side"

Bagaimana dengan Anda? :-)


Anonymous said...

So how to make the right choices and decisions? So, there would be no regreting, no complaining and no grumbling on the creation that we made... because sometimes, environment around us more or less influences our decisions... am I right?

bunda khadijah said...

Hi Ipiii..

(Duh jawab pake B. Inggris ya, mudah2an nggak belibet, xixixi..)

Agree. More or less, our decisions are influenced by our environment.

The main principle is, don't just give up on external influences. We have to find what we can do in every situations.

So there are two things we could do :
1. Choose a good environment
2. Influence the environment with what we think is right

That's about the environment.

Next, is about making choices.

Life is full of choices, even the smallest ones, such as picking the right time to go to the toilet, which menu you would eat in food court, or bigger choices like choosing your spouse, your work, or your children's school.

The key word for making right decision is : Pray.

Pray to Allah to help us make the right decision. The one that makes Allah "ridha" to us. Involve Allah in every little decisions we make.

And, once the decision is made, we have to believe that it's the best for us.

And it also applied for every situations happens to us. Although it happens because someone else does it, we have to believe that it happens because Allah wants it to happen. Traffic jam, uncontrollable children, lazy house-helper, unhelpful bank customer service, et cetera, they're like that "upon Allah's approval".

And if we believe what Allah wants is always the best for us, then we have nothing to regret, complain, or grumble about..

We just have to find the "hikmah". What is Allah's great plan behind this situations? What does Allah expect us to do? Which piece of puzzle will we choose? Will our "last drawing" be beautiful? Will the right side of the equation be greater or less?

Hope it's enlightening (dan B. Inggrisnya bisa dimengerti hehehe..)